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What's Going On
The Maple Ridge Lapidary Club hosts various events and fundraisers throughout the year to promote the art of stone crafting and support its activities. These events include our gem and mineral shows, where members showcase their work, as well as rockhounding field trips to collect unique specimens. Fundraisers like silent auctions, raffles, and sales of handcrafted jewelry and stones help the club raise funds for equipment, workshops, and community outreach. These gatherings also provide a space for enthusiasts of all skill levels to learn, share knowledge, and celebrate their love for lapidary arts.
Featured Events
- Sat, Feb 22Maple RidgeDemonstrations, vendors, stones, tools & supplies. Live auctions, Crack a Geode, showcases of members' creations with Peoples' Choice voting, kids' crafter, snack bar and more. 10am-4pm
- Fri, Apr 11ChilliwackThe British Columbia Lapidary Society hosts the BC Gem Show in BC each year. On the Saturday of our show weekend, we also host the Rocklovers -Round-Up Tailgate Sale, an additional building of dozens of informal sellers. Fri 10 - 6PM | Sat 10 - 5 PM | Sun 10 - 4PM
- Wed, Jun 18Oregon, USA
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